while uploading we have to make the paid_content=1; and
have the scribd->changeSettings function open and pass the below
Have the full code here:
upload($file, $doc_type, $access, $rev_id, $paid_content);
$data = $scribd->changeSettings($doc_ids, $page_restriction_type, $max_pages);
// returns Array ( [doc_id] => 1026598 [access_key] => key-23nvikunhtextwmdjm2i )
api_key = $api_key;
$this->secret = $secret;
$this->url = "http://api.scribd.com/api?api_key=" . $api_key;
* Upload a document from a file
* @param string $file : relative path to file
* @param string $doc_type : PDF, DOC, TXT, PPT, etc.
* @param string $access : public or private. Default is Public.
* @param int $rev_id : id of file to modify
* @return array containing doc_id, access_key, and secret_password if nessesary.
public function upload($file, $doc_type = null, $access = null, $rev_id = null, $paid_content){
$method = "docs.upload";
$params['doc_type'] = $doc_type;
$params['access'] = $access;
$params['file'] = "@".$file;
$params['paid_content'] = $paid_content;
echo $method;
$result = $this->postRequest($method, $params);
return $result;
* Upload a document from a Url
* @param string $url : absolute URL of file
* @param string $doc_type : PDF, DOC, TXT, PPT, etc.
* @param string $access : public or private. Default is Public.
* @return array containing doc_id, access_key, and secret_password if nessesary.
public function uploadFromUrl($url, $doc_type = null, $access = null, $rev_id = null){
$method = "docs.uploadFromUrl";
$params['url'] = $url;
$params['access'] = $access;
$params['rev_id'] = $rev_id;
$params['doc_type'] = $doc_type;
$data_array = $this->postRequest($method, $params);
return $data_array;
* Get a list of the current users files
* @return array containing doc_id, title, description, access_key, and conversion_status for all documents
public function getList(){
$method = "docs.getList";
$result = $this->postRequest($method, $params);
return $result['resultset'];
* Get the current conversion status of a document
* @param int $doc_id : document id
* @return string containing DISPLAYABLE", "DONE", "ERROR", or "PROCESSING" for the current document.
public function getConversionStatus($doc_id){
$method = "docs.getConversionStatus";
$params['doc_id'] = $doc_id;
$result = $this->postRequest($method, $params);
return $result['conversion_status'];
* Get settings of a document
* @return array containing doc_id, title , description , access, tags, show_ads, license, access_key, secret_password
public function getSettings($doc_id){
$method = "docs.getSettings";
$params['doc_id'] = $doc_id;
$result = $this->postRequest($method, $params);
return $result;
* Change settings of a document
* @param array $doc_ids : document id
* @param string $title : title of document
* @param string $description : description of document
* @param string $access : private, or public
* @param string $license : "by", "by-nc", "by-nc-nd", "by-nc-sa", "by-nd", "by-sa", "c" or "pd"
* @param string $access : private, or public
* @param array $show_ads : default, true, or false
* @param array $tags : list of tags
* @return string containing DISPLAYABLE", "DONE", "ERROR", or "PROCESSING" for the current document.
public function changeSettings($doc_ids, $page_restriction_type, $max_pages){
$method = "docs.changeSettings";
$params['doc_ids'] = $doc_ids;
$params['page_restriction_type'] = $page_restriction_type;
$params['max_pages'] = $max_pages;
$result = $this->postRequest($method, $params);
return $result;
* Delete a document
* @param int $doc_id : document id
* @return 1 on success;
public function delete($doc_id){
$method = "docs.delete";
$params['doc_id'] = $doc_id;
$result = $this->postRequest($method, $params);
return $result;
* Search the Scribd database
* @param string $query : search query
* @param int $num_results : number of results to return (10 default, 1000 max)
* @param int $num_start : number to start from
* @param string $scope : scope of search, "all" or "user"
* @return array of results, each of which contain doc_id, secret password, access_key, title, and description
public function search($query, $num_results = null, $num_start = null, $scope = null){
$method = "docs.search";
$params['query'] = $query;
$params['num_results'] = $num_results;
$params['num_start'] = $num_start;
$params['scope'] = $scope;
$result = $this->postRequest($method, $params);
return $result['result_set'];
* Login as a user
* @param string $username : username of user to log in
* @param string $password : password of user to log in
* @return array containing session_key, name, username, and user_id of the user;
public function login($username, $password){
$method = "user.login";
$params['username'] = $username;
$params['password'] = $password;
$result = $this->postRequest($method, $params);
$this->session_key = $result['session_key'];
return $result;
* Sign up a new user
* @param string $username : username of user to create
* @param string $password : password of user to create
* @param string $email : email address of user
* @param string $name : name of user
* @return array containing session_key, name, username, and user_id of the user;
public function signup($username, $password, $email, $name = null){
$method = "user.signup";
$params['username'] = $username;
$params['password'] = $password;
$params['name'] = $name;
$params['email'] = $email;
$result = $this->postRequest($method, $params);
return $result;
private function postRequest($method, $params){
$params['method'] = $method;
$params['session_key'] = $this->session_key;
$params['my_user_id'] = $this->my_user_id;
$post_params = array();
foreach ($params as $key => &$val) {
if (is_array($val)) $val = implode(',', $val);
if($key != 'file' && substr($val, 0, 1) == "@"){
$val = chr(32).$val;
$post_params[$key] = $val;
$secret = $this->secret;
$post_params['api_sig'] = $this->generate_sig($params, $secret);
$request_url = $this->url;
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $request_url );
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1 );
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_params );
$xml = curl_exec( $ch );
$result = simplexml_load_string($xml);
if($result['stat'] == 'fail'){
//This is ineffecient.
$error_array = (array)$result;
$error_array = (array)$error_array;
$error_array = (array)$error_array['error'];
$error_array = $error_array['@attributes'];
$this->error = $error_array['code'];
throw new Exception($error_array['message'], $error_array['code']);
return 0;
if($result['stat'] == "ok"){
//This is shifty. Works currently though.
$result = $this->convert_simplexml_to_array($result);
if(urlencode((string)$result) == "%0A%0A" && $this->error == 0){
$result = "1";
return $result;
return $result;
public static function generate_sig($params_array, $secret) {
$str = '';
// Note: make sure that the signature parameter is not already included in
// $params_array.
foreach ($params_array as $k=>$v) {
$str .= $k . $v;
$str = $secret . $str;
return md5($str);
public static function convert_simplexml_to_array($sxml) {
$arr = array();
if ($sxml) {
foreach ($sxml as $k => $v) {
$arr[$k." ".(count($arr) + 1)] = self::convert_simplexml_to_array($v);
$arr[$k] = self::convert_simplexml_to_array($v);
if (sizeof($arr) > 0) {
return $arr;
} else {
return (string)$sxml;
NA NA NIGAAA ... I code this